Do you need to translate a document and don’t know where to start? Have you heard about the wonders of AI-powered translation engines and wonder if you can trust them to translate your documents?

In this article, we share our tips on when to use an AI translation tool on your own and the benefits of partnering with a language strategy expert to achieve optimal results.

When to use an AI-tool to translate business documentation

Nowadays, there are many AI-powered machine translation tools, driven by neural engines, that can instantly translate any document into any language.

While the quality of translations seems to have surpassed the old results from Google Translator, we must tell you that they are still far from delivering a professional outcome.

As language and translation professionals, we have conducted numerous tests with different platforms, both free and paid versions, and have learned that good instructions help improve the result, enabling you to quickly understand a text in a language you don’t master.

For example, if the documentation doesn’t contain confidential information or doesn’t require linguistic precision, you can choose to translate it without professional help.

The result may not be excellent, but at least you’ll have access to all the information in the desired language.

The translation process in a specialized company

On the other hand, if your documentation contains confidential information or you need the content to be impeccably translated, with the right style and terminology, it’s better to rely on a highly specialized language service partner like Kosmos Lingua.

What’s the added value of collaborating with a specialized language service company?

At Kosmos Lingua, we’ve created an efficient project management process that meticulously handles your documentation from start to finish and involves various qualified linguists.

The dream team of the process: Project Manager, Translator and Reviewer

The project manager coordinates the operations: prepares the format for translation (since documents don’t always come in easily manageable and processable formats), organizes the style guide, glossary, and gathers all project guidelines. Additionally, they coordinate the team of linguists.

The linguists are all native speakers of the target language, highly qualified, and specialized in your industry. They are responsible for translating and reviewing the documentation.


Specialized translators work on the translation using specific softwares that allow the application of the glossary or the creation of one from scratch if necessary.

The tools used by translators, known as CAT Tools, allow the creation of a translation memory that is crucial for maintaining linguistic style and consistency.

Depending on the project, the translation may be exclusively human or optimized with neural engines and LLMs (Large Language Models) that provide a starting point on which linguists apply their experience and skills.


After the professional translation step, it’s time to review the text.

This text review not only ensures that there are no errors of any kind but also guarantees the fluency of the message in the translated language. 

When a translation is truly good, it’s seamless and feels like a text originally written in the other language.


Quality assurance is the final step before delivering the document and the most important part of the process.

It involves a thorough review that checks linguistic consistency, application of the glossary and all project guidelines, as well as typographical errors and potential inaccuracies in texts of any nature, whether for online or print use.

New technologies and faster deliveries

If you’re thinking that this process is long and will take a lot of time, keep reading because you might be surprised.

Thanks to the innovation brought by new machine translation models, we can shorten deadlines without compromising the quality of the work.

Additionally, we have a large team of linguists who can work simultaneously on the text without altering the final result, thanks to centralized project management.

Professional translation process: the key to business success

The professional translation process is more complex than just transferring words from one language to another. 

It allows companies to communicate efficiently with their customers, ensuring that every specific term, every message and the companies values are not only understood but also transmitted in an impactful way, in any language.

At Kosmos Lingua, we specialize in multilingual communication and offer tailored services to our clients, relying on two essential pillars: the quality of human expertise and technology at the service of humans.

Do you need to translate your documents? Contact us for a free consultation.